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Contest Rule Book

2014 Special National Contest Prizes


In addition to awards in each of the contest categories and to two outstanding entries per affiliate, the national contest offers 23 special prizes.  Each of these is generously sponsored by an organization that is interested in rewarding student work in an area of special interest.  For the 2014 national contest, the following prize is NEW:
The Magna Carta Prize is sponsored by the American Bar Association, a voluntary organization of nearly 400,000 lawyers that, among other goals, seeks to advance the Rule of Law in the world. The ABA Magna Carta Prize is awarded to an outstanding entry in each of the junior and senior divisions that incorporates the Magna Carta as an important building block in the advancement of the rule of law and of individual rights in the United States against the arbitrary exercise of governmental power.
This prize is a perfect fit for the 2014 theme: Rights and Responsibilities in History.
Students who advance to the national contest are encouraged to nominate their entries for any special prizes for which they meet the criteria. This can be done within online registration for the national contest.
See the full list of special prizes for 2014 here.