Historic Valley Forge

Fun & Games

The George Washington Game

The "GW" Game

Fill in the missing letters to complete these 10 words. All these words contain George Washington's initials (GW).

1. Blondie's husband in the comic strip

__ __ G W __ __ __

2. American Indian hut or lodge made out of bark or animal skins

__ __ G W __ __

3. Button ____, signer of the Declaration of Independence

G W __ __ __ __ __ __

4. Informal term for a very important person

__ __ G W __ __

5. Hay-fever sufferers' pollen-rich enemy

__ __ G W __ __ __

6. Person who composes and/or creates the words for popular music

__ __ __ G W __ __ __ __ __

7. Slang term meaning "foolishness" or "nonsense" (oink, oink)

__ __ G W __ __ __

8. Lower-body garments for dancers

__ __ G W __ __ __ __ __ __

9. In the election of 1884, Republicans who refused to support the party nominee

__ __ G W __ __ __ __

10. Flowering tree with a lovely "bark"

__ __ G W __ __ __

When you're done, check the answers


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